Thursday, April 29, 2010

Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

In 1945 during world war 2, America
who was back then was with war with Japan after The Empire of Japan had provoked America by the pearl harbor attack in which thousands of American soldiers and machinery had been exterminated. The war had been enhanced for there was no clear dictator during the conflict, until the nuclear bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki which then lead to Americas decisive victory.

It was in the early hours of August the 6th 1945 wh en America had dropped to atomic bombs on the Japanese cities with had killed 166,00 people instantly of city of Hiroshima and 80,000 people in Nagasaki . The reason why these cities were in the vicinity of the nuclear attacks was because it had held Japan's army head quarters as well as communications center and storage depot .

The radiation of the nuclear bombs are s till g oing to today with thousands of new born babies being born with strange disabilities in that region ,almost 65 years on after the bombings. please witness these disturbing images:

These are the images of the mushroom cloud from the bombed areas:

The mushroom cloud from Nagasaki.

The mush room cloud over Hiroshima.


2 atomic bombs hit the Japanese cities. Fat man and Little boy.

Fat man:

weighs 4600 kg
Length 3.2m

Little boy:
Weigh 4,038 kilograms

Length: 3m
diameter: 71 cm

History,facts about weapons of mass destruction:

Several nations have attempted owning nuclear weapons but only 7 countries have it those nations are America, United Kingdom, Russia, France, China , India and Pakistan , although its rumored th at Israel have Nuclear bom bs but not have tested it.

The USA have the most amount of nuclear bombs over 10,000, Russia come at second place with over 5,000. The U nited kingdom has about 1200,France has 1260 warheads,China's arsenal is 600, I c ouldn't find out the nuclear weapon amount of India , Pakistan is likely to h ave 560 w arhead by the end of this year.

Not all nuclear bombs have the same superiority.

American nuclear weapons:

Being the first sate to invent to the bomb, America started its nuclear program in 1937 America first tested its nuclear weapon in July the 16th 1945.
Among with Fat man and little boy they are other American nuclear bombs such as Thin man
, Mark 6,Mark 7, Mark8, Ma rk10, the list goes on and on.

British Nuclear weapons:

The British first tested there nuclear bombs in 1 0th April 1940. Its defense minster once stated "If t he country was ever faced with an immediate threat of nuclear threat or complete annihilation, a copy of this booklet would be distributed to every household as part of a public information campaign which would incl ude announcements on television and radio and in the press. The booklet has been designed for free a nd general distribution in that event. It is being placed on sale now for those who wish to know what they would be advised to do at such a time."
The UK first relied on the ballistic missile early warning system and in the l ater years the Defense Support Support Program (DSSP) satellites for warning of a nuclear attack.

Russian nuclear weapons:

Russia being the 3rd
state to have nuclear bombs in 1949. Russia ,s first nuclear weapon test was in 1949 . Today 12 Russian submarines are carrying 612 nuclear weapons.

According to the Russian military a doctrine limited nuclear war stared in 2003 could be used to prevent political pressure against Russia and her allies ( Bosnia,Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan)

French nuclear wea

France did its primary nuclear test in
the 1 960. France is the one of 5 States that is a Nuclear non- proliferation treaty ( among with United States,Britain, Russia and China).

There were 210 French nuclear tests from 1960 until 1996. 17 o f them were done in the Algerian Sahara be tween 1960 and 1966, starting in the middle of the Algerian war .193 were carried out in French Polynesia from 1966 -1996.

In both Algeria and French Polynesia there have been long standing demands for compensation from those who claim injury from France’s nuclear testing progra m. The government of France had consistently denied, since the late 1960s, that injury to military personnel and civilians had been caused by their nuclear testing.

Chine nuclear bom

China's first nuclear
bomb test occurred in 1964. China was found to supplied Albania with chemical weapons in the 1970s during the cold war.

China has launched 44 nucle
ar test and their maxim range varies 13,00 0km-1500 km.

China obtains 6 types they also have many kind of missiles I have set a table below:

China designation U.S./ NATO designation Year deployed Range Warhe ad x yield Number de ployed Warheads deployed
Land-based missile s
DF-3A CSS-2 1971 3,100 km 1 x 3.3 Mt 16 16
DF-4 CSS-3 1980 5 500 km 1 x 3.3 Mt 22 22
DF-5A CSS-4 Mod 2 1981 13,000 km 1 x 4-5 Mt 20 20
DF-21A CSS-5 Mod 1/2 1991 2,150 k m 1 x 200-300 kt 35 35
DF-31 (CSS-X-10) 2006? 7,250+ km 1 x ? n.a. n.a.
DF-31A n.a. 2007-2009 11,270+ km 1 x ? n.a. n.a.
Subtotal 93 93
Submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs)**
JL-1 CSS-NX-3 1986 1,770+ km 1 x 200-300 kt 12 12
JL-2 CSS-NX-4 2008 -2 010 ? 8,00 0+ km 1 x ? n.a. n.a.
Subtotal 12 12
Total strategic ballistic missiles 105 105
Hong-6 B-6 1965 3,100 km 1-3 x bomb 100 20
Attack (Q-5, others?)

1 x bomb
Subtotal 40
Short-range tactical w eap ons
DF-15 CSS-6 1990 600 km 1 x low ~300 ?
DH-10? (LACM) 2006-2007 ? ~1,50 0 km ? 1 x low ? n.a. n.a.
Total ~145

India nuclear weapons:

Become a recognized nuclear power in 1974 by testing "The smiling Buddha".There maxim nuclear test range is 2,5 00 km.

India has declared that is a nuclear nation tha t was "no-first-use polcy".

India has many nuclear missiles under develo pment which have a maxim range of 600km.
Some report suggest that India's nuclear capability was possible by with the cooperation of Russian scientist.

In November 2009 a US-Indain nuclear deal where Amerca will share 14 of it nuclear reactors with India
, 6 for commercial facilities and 8 for the Indian military.

Pakistan nuclear weapons:

Pakistan nuclear weapons ambition was motivated by their enemy India's nuclear test. In 1974 when India had laun ched it's Atom bomb "The Smiling Buddha" the Pakistani prime minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhut to announced " If India builds the bomb, we will eat grass and leafs for thousands of years, even go hungry , but we will get our own . The Christians have the bomb,the Jews have the bomb and now the Hindus have the bomb Why not the Muslims too have the bomb?"

Pakistan was also motivated in the founder o
f Pakistan Mohammad Ali Jinnah who died in 1948 . In 1948 he once stated:
"The weak and the defenseless in this world invite ag gression from others. The best way we can serve peace is b y removing the temptation from the path of those who think we are weak and, for that reason, they can bully or attack us. That temptation can only be removed if we make ourselves so strong that nobody dare enterta in any aggressive designs against us. Pakistan has come to stay and no power on earth can destroy it."

Pakistan nuclear program was called project 706 which was led by professor Abdul Qadir Khan.

In May 28 1998 Pakistan had su ccessfu lly l aunched it first nuclear bomb called "Ghuari 1" .
I have set a table of differ
ent kind of nuclear bom bs of Pakistan:

Pakistan's Nuclear Capable Missiles
Name/Designation Class Ra nge
(varies w ith payload weight)
Payload Status
Hatf-I SRBM 100 km 500 kg Operational
Abdali SRBM 180 km 500 kg Operational
Ghaznavi SRBM 290 km 500 kg Operational
M-11 SRBM 300 km 500 kg Operational
Shaheen-I SRBM 750 km 850 kg Operational
Ghauri-I MRBM 1,500 km 750 kg Operational
Ghauri-II MRBM 2,300 km 750-1,200 kg Operational
Shaheen-II MRBM 2,500 km 700 kg Operational [4]
Ghauri-III IRBM 3,500+ km 1,200+ kg Under Development
Shaheen-III IRBM 4,500+ km 1,200+ kg Under Development
Babur (Hatf 7) Cruise Missile 700 km 500 kg Operational
Ra'ad (Hatf 8) Air Launched Cruise Missile 350 km 500 kg Operational

Britans first nuclear test launch.

The French nuclear test.

The Russian nuclear test.

To your right is a model of China's first nuclear bomb.

A successful Chinese nuclear test.

Indian nuclear bombs.

Pakistan nuclear test image.

A photo shot taken with Pakistani Military staff standing around Pakistan's nuclear bomb.

Thompson sub machine: Is a American sub machine gun although used by other various. In 1919 during prohibition era in America it was invented by John Thompson. Before its use in ww2 it was used by US police officer. For the military it become in use in 1938 -71. Many models were made such as 1919,1921,1923,1927and 1928. Approximately 1,700,000 have been build. Thompson sub machine was also in sale for civilians for a very high price of $200,000 but that was back in 1921. John Thompson primary aim was to develop a auto rifle but in 1915 he come across this guy Thomas Ryan who was a weapon manufacturing company ,dobbed "Auto-ordnance corporation" in 1916. He had given the ambition to create a auto- rifle for his company.

The Thompson sub machine weigh 4.9 kg, its length 851 mm, it shoot 600 bullets per minute. The Thompson sub machine was a very popular machine gun at its time and became a very successful war item at its time. Modern sub-machine guns like the Daewoo k7 from South Korea are far more superior. In service since 2003 it weighs 4kg and can fire 1,100 round per minute. The biggest feature that its a silenced when firing.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

FG 42: is a German automatic rifle. Its called FG 42 for short its official name is Fallschirmjägergewehr 42 or in English its paratroop rifle model 1942. This rifle was produced by Fallschirmjäger airborne infantry.The weight of this weapon varies between 4.2kg and 4.95kg .Its length also varies between 945mm-975mm and its barrel length 500mm. The cartridge 7.92x57mm Mauser. At the time of the
Operation Mercury, Ge
rman Fallschirmjäger were equipped with the same assortment of small arms as the German army, carrying only pistols and hand grenades on them during airborne jumps, with sub machine guns, rifles and crew-served weapons stored separately in containers that were dropped from the wing of the exit craft. The German parachute harness, with a single strap attached to the body making the paratrooper land on his hands and knees in a forward roll, did not allow for heavier equipment such as rifles and machine guns to be safely carried during jumps. At Crete, long-range rifle and machine gun fire from dug-in Commonwealth defenders (largely New Zealanders from 5 Brigade's 22nd Battalion) inflicted heavy casualties upon the outgunned German paratroopers in the early stages of battle as they attempted to retrieve their support weapons from containers were all over the war zone. These early combat experiences demonstrated that standard weapons were not ideal for airborne operations.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010

world war 2 weapons

World War 2 commenced in September 1 1939 and ended September 2 1945. 18 countries were in involved were Australia, Canada, China, Check Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Romania, Soviet Union, United kingdom and United States of America.

There hundreds of weapons used during the war here are just some of them: M1917 Browning machine gun: is American heavy machine gun not only was it used in ww2 but it also was used in ww1 , the war against Korea and in the Vietnam war. This weapon was invented by John Moses Browning. It was invented in 1917. It weighs about 47 kg, the barrel length in 24 in 69mm its maxim range is 5 km and 450 rounds per min. Today they some heavy machine guns aren’t even as good example America’s XM312 which was made in 2005 has a range of just 2km and 260 rounds per minute.

Type 100: Type 100 is a Japanese submachine gun Nambu Arms Manufactory Company. Japan was too late to deliver to its armed forces during to Chinese invitation. The Type 100 is an automatic only gun. It was in service to 1942 till 1945 approximately 30,000 were built they’re variants types: Type 100/1 (with solid stock) , Type 100/1 ( with folding stock), Type 100/2 ( with solid stock and flash suppressor). It can shoot 800 rounds per minute, when empty it weighs 3.38kg and when loaded 4.40kg. Type 100: Type 100 is a Japanese submachine gun Nambu Arms Manufactory Company. Japan was too late to deliver to its armed forces during to Chinese invitation. The Type 100 is an automatic only gun. It was in service to 1942 till 1945 approximately 30,000 were built they’re variants types: Type 100/1 (with solid stock) , Type 100/1 ( with folding stock), Type 100/2 ( with solid stock and flash suppressor). It can shoot 800 rounds per minute, when empty it weighs 3.38kg and when loaded 4.40kg.

M4 Sherman: The M4 Sherman is World War 2 tank. The M14 production of these tanks exceeded past 50,000. These tanks were not only used in world war 2 by America but was also used in the other wars such as the Greek civil war, Arab -Israeli war, Pak-Indo war 1965, The 6 day war and Pak- indo war 1971. Its maxim speed goes to 48kph. For the US army in was in service 1942-45, it was built in 1940. In world war2 M4 Sherman original name is Medium Tank 4 but in the United Kingdom it was called “Sherman” after the Union General William Tecumseh Sherman. The British got popular in the US that’s today its often called M4 Sherman. At first the M4 Sherman was strong enough to defeat German tanks. But as the years went by this tank would get blown up against tiger 1(German tank) and Panther tanks whish is also a German tank. It ways about 30.3 tons, its height is 9 ft, its width 8ft and length of 5.84m. 5 people could fit in the tank the commander, gunner, loader, driver and co driver. Its maxim range is 193km.its primary armament is 75mm m3 l/40 gun. Today’s tanks are far more advanced for instance a Pakistani Tank called “Al-Khalid” which was made in 2001 and has the ability to disguise it self by surrounding smoke around it self, its maxim 72 kph, primary armament 125mm smooth bore gun shoots 39 per minute and a range of 450 km and has night vision.

To your right is the M4 Sherman.

A video on the M4 Sherman is on this link:

Gewehr 43: the Gewehr 43 is a sniper which was used in World War 2 used by Nazi Germany. 402,713 of these snipers have been made these machinery was design in 1942. Its weight is 4.1 kg before this gun was made Germany did not have any snipers of their and was in the quest for some semi-automatic snipers. Although the Nazis did have he sniper call “Muaser” but was unreliable and had many problems. Its barrel length is 21.4 inches. Its cartridge is 7.92 x 57mm Muaser and its gas operated reloading its also has iron sight to assist when aiming. Modern snipers a lot more supreme one of the ranks of those supreme snipers is the American M24 which weighs 7.4 kg when loaded, its barrel length 660.4 mm it’s of 800m. Its aiming is telescopic.

To you left is the Gewehr 43.